About APFD
The Association of Private Family Doctors is a self selected group of Maltese Family Doctors working exclusively in private practice. The association was set up on the 29th April 2005.
The aims of the Association are:
- To bring together as a group Family Doctors working exclusively in private practice
- To enable these doctors to share problems, common to the group and co-operate between themselves
- To explore areas of common interest between the members and to liaise with other organizations or institutions, Governmental and private on their behalf
- To represent the interest of its members
- To ensure all members give optimal quality of care of their patients
Today, the membership consists of doctors from different age groups whose combined practices cover more than half of the Maltese population, cover all geographical areas in Malta and whose patients come from all strata of society.
APFD was registered as a Voluntary Organisation on the 15 January 2020. Identification No: VO/1803.
General Data Protection Regulation
The Council of the Association of Private Family Doctors gives notice that the personal information that was provided by the Association’s members and any other personal information supplied by them after the date of their joining the Association, has been recorded and processed by the Association and its Council for the purpose of achieving the objectives of the Association in accordance with its Statute.
In providing the information, members are deemed to give their consent that their data will be so used.